中国在海外的投资的知名企业有哪些? 在海外生产产品和销售,是因为1,本土资源不足而海外有充足且廉价的资源2,一些产品的生产会附加高污染产物,为了保护本国环境及减少在环境保护上的投资而选择在一些法律及。
现在国外很多风险投资都看中了中国口腔医疗市场,只是苦于没有切入点,如能成功启动,引进风投支持后期较快发展应该不是难事. now many foreigh risk investment funds are coveting China's dental market,but suffering from the lack of entry point.if the cause is inilialized successfully,it would not be difficult to introduce the risk investment to support the rapid late-phase development.我的可不是机器翻译的哦.
英语翻译:现在国外很多风险投资都看中了中国口腔医疗市场 now many foreigh risk investment funds are coveting China's dental market,but suffering from the lack of entry point.if the cause is inilialized successfully,it would not be difficult to introduce the risk investment to support the rapid late-phase development.我的可不是机器翻译的哦。