我的母亲小学作文550字 关于我的母亲作文550字


我的母亲作文550字 母亲是一个很平凡的人,他就像自家院中的那棵老树,虽然天天见可从未留意过。可那棵树却无私的奉献着自己的爱心,他却不求人可回报—这就是母爱。常听人说“时间有部大书。。

祖国母亲的550字作文 斗转星移话沦桑又一次国歌回荡,国旗飘扬;又一次春光和煦,群情激昂,站在鲜艳的红旗下,我们的思绪又一次飞翔在祖国九百六十万平方公里的版图上…曾记否,开元之治,康乾。

关于我的母亲的作文 550字左右 急急急急急急急急急急急急啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Mother's LoveMy mother is a good hearted woman who has helped me overcome many challenges in my life.I don't honestly know where I'd be without her.My mother was put in a very difficult situation-raising my brother and me alone.Although I didn't understand it at the time,growing up,just how hard she worked,I see it now,having walked in her shoes.I did not make single motherhood easy for her.Because of her tough love,I got myself straightened out and walking a better path.We don't always see eye to eye,and being an adult child,living with a parent is not always pleasant,but I wouldn't have it any other way.I am happy to be able to be here for her.I know I am not the person she envisioned I'd be,when she first laid eyes upon me,but I also know that she is not disappointed either.I am still fiercely independent.I know she loves me.When I was a kid,I loved Mother's Day,because it was a challenge for me.I would wake up at the crack of dawn and rush to the kitchen,to make 。


