人类活动对生物圈正面影响 人类活动对生物圈的正面影响有哪些


英语翻译 The humanity moves to the ecological environment has the frontage influence,also has the negative influence.The frontage influence causes our environment to be better,but the negative influence must bring to our high attention.Appears since the humanity on the Earth,humanity's activity caused in the biosphere the material circulation to speed up;The humanity uses own wisdom,through the high tech method,has improved the soil,has created the new variety;Humanity's industrious work caused the barren hill to turn the green and glossy farmland,caused the desert to turn the oasis;Our country constructs\"three norths\"the protective forest,effectively has suppressed the desert spread.At the same time,Humanity's activity destroyed the biosphere harmony,has broken the ecological equilibrium,has created the ecological environment suddenly worsening.We must use own wisdom,own talent protect our homeland,lets the environment which we lives be happier

俺是初一的,生物老师要开辩论会,正方是人类活动对生物圈的正面影响 和 反方是人类活动对生物圈的负面影响 俺是正方 要3个人的分量,越多越好

人类活动对生物圈的正面影响有哪些??急需 1、可以使城市更美丽。2、可以保留住一些濒危物种。3、预防和治理自然灾害造成的破坏。4、改造自然界的面貌,如植树造林,绿化大地。5、可以改变局部的气候条件。6、利用科技创造新的物种,增加生物多样性。

