80天环游地球 书评 求一篇八十天环游地球读书笔记(100字左右)


八十天环游地球英语书评 This summer,my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books,\"Around the World in 80 Days,\"\"海底两万里.\"The\"Around the World in 80 Days\"This book is my favorite one of the books.On the main charges in Lisburn.Fokker,Around the World in 80 days of the story.Fokker,Ruya is a gentleman,was born in London.He did not like dealing with the outside world,not to participate in the Parliament,not business,not a farm,he is the improvement of the club members.On one occasion,he and a friend chat,how can we debate villain in a short period of time fled to other countries.Fokker,in order to prove that they can use 80 days around the Earth told a friend playing a gamble.At that time,he immediately to good things and servant\"road roads lead to\"do a good job with the preparation of the road.He cross-Europe,the Indian Ocean,riding an elephant through the jungles of India,and China's Jing Tao Hailang sea battle,he received the final victory,and has a rich prize.To this end he created a great 。

八十天环游世界读后感 高尔基说过:e5a48de588b662616964757a686964616f31333264663736“书是人类进步的阶梯。书籍是我们精神的食粮,是我们前进的动力。在这个暑假里我有幸拜读了儒勒.凡尔纳的著作—《八十天环游世界》。这部小说是儒勒·凡尔纳的代表作之一,是一部带有真实色彩的科幻小说,也是其著作中不能不读的一纯空指本。书中描写了一位性情古怪的英国绅士—福格先生,因为在俱乐部和朋友之间的一场赌注,决定以八十天的时间环游世界一周,这在没有飞机、快艇的19世纪,简直是不可能完成的任务,但对于好面子的福格先生却是个输不起的赌注。于是,在八十天的畅游中,他搭乘着各种交通工具穿越了360条经纬线,有轮船,火车,马车,游艇,雪橇和大象等等,经历了众多奇妙的地方,更经历了各式各样的冒险及挑战。故事主角—福格先生是个古怪、富有的英国绅士,喜欢规律,总是分秒不差地在固定的时间做固定的事,书中与福格一同环游世界的冒险旅游的人还包括:忠心追随他的颇具小聪明又有好心肠的仆人让万能,后来他在美洲印第安部落被俘虏,福格深入险境救了他;顽固又愚笨的便衣pol.ice菲克斯误将福格当做银行抢劫犯而一路追截他害得福格差点输掉了赌注而破产;美丽而温柔的阿乌达。

小学生八十天环游地球读后感咋样写五十字的 《八十天环游地球》讲述了福克与朋友打赌,在80天内环游地球一周.我被他那机智、勇敢和毅力所感动了。《八十天环游地球》是一部科幻小说。叙述了主人公福克先生与朋友打赌,自己可以在八十天之内环游地球。环游地球的过程中,他遇到许多突发情况.


