英语翻译 在晚上时 我们将一起到达北京英文


英语翻译 My father and I to Beijing badaling Great Wall.We use the camera phones and snapped the happy days we spent,My father and I eat apples,snacks,potato chips,candy and cookies.Very not easy I climbed up the mountain and the final piece in the great photos.

英语翻译 好像我的跟别人都不太一样,参考下吧1、今天晚上电视上将有一场篮球赛There's gonna be a basketball game on TV tonight.2、这个周末他将坐飞机去上海He's goona take a flight to Shanghai this weekend.3、晚饭后我们将到超市里购买礼物We're gonna go shopping in the supermarket after dinner.4、很多来自北京的人正躺在沙滩上Bulks of guys from Peking(北京的英文旧称)are sprawling out on the sand.5、她的叔叔住在嘉兴Her uncle lives in Jaxin.(美国味道的口语,不知是否合您口味)

英语翻译 good evening,Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to pay close attention to tomorrow's weatherr with me.when Tomorrow,the northern area in our country is expected to have dust-weather,in addition,the rain in the south will increase while some places will have heavy rain appearing for a short period of time.following is the specific city weather forecast:From today to tomorrow night during the dayBeijing,sunny,the temperature will be 25 ℃Tianjin,sunny,the temperature will be 22 ℃Lanzhou,fine,temperature will be 28 ℃Shanghai,sunny,the temperature will be 26 ℃Qinghai,sunny,the temperature will be 22 ℃Hainan,thunder,The temperature will be 28 ℃Tomorrow,most place will be high-temperatured,please pay attention to the temperature difference in the morning and evening and drink water.today's weather forecast is over,thanks for watching,goodbye。

#我到达北京的英文#在晚上时 我们将一起到达北京英文#到达北京的英文翻译#到达北京的英文#到达北京的英文儿歌

