请随时关灯英文 节电的口号用英语说!像什么“节约用电,从小事做起”“随手关灯一小步,节约能源一大步”………把它们翻译成英语就可以了.3Q像“省一点能源,多一点资源”、“随手关灯很容易,积少成多省电力”、“随时关灯,


关灯 用英语怎么说? 1、douse the glim2、turn off lights3、turn off the light例句:Please switch off the lights when you leave.出门时2113请5261随手关灯4102。1653Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed.临睡前别忘了关灯。He puts out his hand to turn off the light.他伸手去关灯。Turn the light off as you go out.出门时请随手关灯。When you leave,please remember to turn off the lights当你走的时候,记得关灯。Don ' t leave the lights on it wastes electricity走时要随手关灯-以免浪费电Don ' t leave the lights on it wastes electricity走时要随手关灯-以免浪费电Don ' t forget to turn out the light when you leave你离开的时候别忘记了关灯。Stick niggas for not knowin,then teach em somethin关关灯假设心里要说话题便无忌讳扩展资料:一、【灯的英语表达】1.(照明等用的发光器具)lamp;lantern;light2.(燃烧液体或气体用来对别的东西加热的器具)burner3.(俗称电子管)valve;tube例句:She tore it open and carried it to the lamp.她拆开来拿到灯旁去看。On your car you got a busted headlight.你的车子上有。

随手关灯用英语怎么说 Turn Off Lights When Leaving网络 随手关灯;[例句]Turn off lights when leaving a room.离开房间时随手关灯。

请随手关灯、无人时请关闭空调LOGO英语怎么说 请随手关灯:Please turn the light off when you leave.无人时请关闭空调:Please turn off the air conditioner when nobody in the room.这不是daily English吧,外国的slogan经常就是一长句的,不像中国有那么多成语什么的.我是留学生,


