什么是磁气体 rb超精细结构


什么是磁气体 什么是磁性气体或磁气体 实验原理 光磁共振是根据角动量守恒原理,用光学抽运方法来研究原子超精细结构塞曼子能级间磁共振现象的双共振技术。。

翻成英文 Light the Ci resonance(light pump Ci resonance)make use of light take out luck(Optical PumPing)effect to come to study an atom super fine the structure fill Man son ability the Ci resonance of the class.The object of research is the alkali metals atom Ru(Rb)and the content big isotope have 2 kinds in the natural Ru:The 85 Rb have 72.15%,the 87 Rb have 27.85%.The double of the resonance of the optics frequency and the Ci resonance of the radio frequency or microwave frequency simultaneous with of atom,member resonance phenomenon.For the ground state Ci of the atom or the member resonance,because of atom bunch,member bunch or air appearance of the atom,member density be low,signal very weak,difficult in direct observation arrive resonance signal.Make use of light beam,take out the luck to these atom or member first to stir up Tai(namely is aroused Tai),then let it again return to ground state,such as take out a luck light of frequency or be partial to flap accommodation,can 。

关于饱和吸收光谱 我们测量了85Rb和87Rb原子的饱和吸收光谱和频率调变光谱.在饱和吸收光谱中,87Rb原子的|F=1?→|F’=0,1,2?和|F=2?→|F’=1,2,3?,85Rb原子的|F=2?→|F’=1,2,3?和|F=3?→|F’=2,3,4?以及它们的交错信号都被完全的捕捉住.这里,F 表示的是5S1/2基态的超精细能级,而 F’则表示的是5P3/2激发态的超精细能级.87Rb 原子的|F=2?→|F’=1,2,3?的谱线则被用于调频技术.


