我们已经结束假期了 英文外贸 告诉客户我们将休假7天,用英语怎么说?


告诉客户我们将休假7天,用英语怎么说? Dear sir/madam:Kindly inform you that dur to the National holiday,we'll be on vacation from Oct 1 to Oct 7.Regarding the existing issues of the current contract,we'll have it solved as soon as we get.

该不该放弃做外贸?外贸业务员的前景? 更新:写邮件已经不成问题。但是最近是对工作有排斥心理,感觉自己每天发的邮件就这样石沉大海了,每天做…

春节要放假了,我要通知国外客户,用英语怎么说啊 我给你段2113非常正5261式的商业回函,看得懂最4102后1653两句的就知道我很版负责任权的说。From xxx to xxx we will take CNY(Chinese New Year)Leave/take anual leave to celebrate the spring festival during this period.Sorry for anything inconvenient to you and pls feel free to contact us by xxx when you have any questions.I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families all the best for a happy and healthy Chinese New Year。

#我们已经结束假期了 英文外贸
