科技 重大发现的信息报道


为什么近 20 年科技发展的特别快,完全是爆炸式的飞跃? 比如手机。预警:这是一个严重偏题的答案,图多且大,求折叠。简单的答案,只有一句话:因为我们在消化以前的科学发展的成果。题主和楼上,乃们够了!。

你接受了一项写作任务,为英语校报写一篇科技报道. The DNA examination,a new technology appearing in medical field abroad as good news for some people,(技术名称)is designed to test DNA by means of analyzing the saliva samples.(检测方法)All they have to do is to pay 125 pounds,(检测费用)give testers their saliva samples with a time ranging from 4 to 6 weeks to get an exact results of the exam.(检测时长)【高分句型】What’s not only is it of great benefit to predict some serious diseases,but it also can provide people with a prediction of the preference for food,and taking exercises.【高分句型】The medical report may raise their awareness of keeping fit.However,it may give rise to unnecessary anxiety in some people as well.(检测用途)

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#中国科技重大发现#人类科技重大发现与发明#科技 重大发现的信息报道

