一首英语歌是女的唱的歌词有一句是it's not until you fall that you 永不言败英文歌词


永不言败英文缩写 never say die.N.S.D.永不言败,有同名电影和歌曲2113。英语中对die这个词用得很灵活5261,在这里die是表示认输,4102承认某事已经1653完结的意思。又如:you are dead(meat).你死定了。(可能用于开玩笑)

全世界我只爱你一个永不言败什么歌 爱的就是你 刘佳

请问[贾斯汀比伯:永不言败]记录片里89:30那首歌叫什么名字。能列举中英文歌词的十分感谢!! 是down to earth对吗?down to earthI never thought that it be easy 我从来没有想过这些事是那么容易Cause me both so distance now 这是我们之间相隔遥远距离的原因And the walls are closing in on us 我们在彼此之间修筑了一堵城墙And we are wondering how 然而我们彼此都正在惊讶是何种原因No one has a solid answer 却没有人能给我们答案But just walking in the dark 我只有独自在黑暗中前行And you can see the look on my face如果你能看清我模样It just tells me apart只是会有眼泪成为阻碍So we fight(So we fight)所以我们争吵Through the hurt(Through the hurt)彼此伤害And we cry(and cry and cry and cry)再无尽的哭泣And we live(And we live)我们独自生活And we learn(And we learn)我们不断学习And we try and try and try and try再不停地尝试一切So it's up to you and it's up to me这一切都取决于你和我That we meet in our middle way我们在半路上相遇邂逅On our way back down to earth在用我们各自的方式回到现实Down to earth down to earth 回到现实 回到现实Our way back down to earth(back down to 。


