电脑风扇英语怎么说 电脑风扇问题


电脑风扇改装成usb用英语怎么说 The computer fan is converted to usb.(望楼主采纳哦)

风扇用英语怎么说 fan【读音】英[f?n]美[f?n]【释义】1、vt.煽动;刺激;吹拂2、vi.成扇形散开;飘动3、n.迷;风扇;爱好者4、n.(Fan)人名;(法、俄)法恩;(柬)方【例句】He cools himself in front of an electric fan.他在一个电扇前面吹凉。扩展资料相关短语:1、风扇皮带 Fan Belt;Fast-idle;belt;Fan drive belt2、风扇尺寸 Fan Dimensions;CM;LxWxH;Fan Demension3、鼓风扇 blowing fan;blower fan;forced-draft fan;booster fan4、风扇冷却[机]fan cooling;TEFC;fan cooled5、摇头风扇 oscillating fan;pivoting fan;piotingfan

电脑 风扇、黑板、电灯的英语单词怎么写? 电脑 风扇:computer fan黑板:blackboard电灯:lamp例句No longer would millions of e-bookworms have to turn on a nearby lamp,use a special case,or attach an awkward portable light to read in the dark.成千上万的电子书用户可以和台灯、照明保护套以及卡夹式阅读灯说再见了。She chalked out a design on the blackboard.她用粉笔在黑板上画出一个图样。You can play your electronic play,but I don't like you to be a harmful computer fan.你可以继续玩你的电子游戏,但我不想你变成一只害虫。B:I just want to get to a safe place and I never attempt to be a harmful computer fan.(我只想找一个安全的地方,决没想过要做一只害虫。

