初二下册英语书,写每个单元的作文,运用单词和短语,运用越多越好,比如一单元写春天,就要运用一单元的 你需要告诉你的英语书是什么版本,人教、外研等.同时还要写出个单元的题目,这样才有哥哥姐姐帮你.
初二下英语书 博库书城
初二下册英语第一课memory课文翻译 Joyce wanted to include afeature about memory in theschool newspaper.She and hereditors all agreed to write shortarticles on the topic.ARTHURI know hat we have ashort-term memory and along-term memory.When weget old,our short-term memorybecomes worse,but we can stillremember things from a longtime ago.My grandpa told me a joke.Hesaid,‘When you get old,threethings start to go wrong.First,you lose your memory.andi can't remrmber what the othertwo things are。'JOYCEI saw a programme on televisionabout a man with an injuredbrain.He couid not rememberanything for longer than a fewminutes.His wife visited him in hospitalevery day,but he forgot hervisits a few minutes after sheleft.He was often angry withher because he thought that shenever visited him.it was verysad.PANSYIf you want to remember something,youshould make a picture of it in your mind.Ifthe picture is silly,strange and colourful,youwil remember it better.For example,I am trying to remember 。