鳄鱼和村民和谐的英语阅读题 下列动物中有“活化石”之美誉的是( )A.扬子鳄B.大熊猫C.丹顶鹤D.白暨豚


80年代的英语课文 帮你找的,不知对否?WHY THE BAT COMES OUT ONLY AT NIGHTLong,long ago,there was a war between the birds and the beasts.No one knows what they fought about.The bat did not know whose side he should take.He thought and thought,then decided he must try to be on the side of the winners.So he watched from far away.After a while,it seemed that the birds were going to win.He flew over to join them.What on earth are you doing here?a bird shouted at him.Can't you see I'm a bird?the bat said with a smile.\"Look,I have wings,just like you.Come along,then,\"said the bird.\"Don't hide behind others.But things changed soon.Now it seemed that the beasts were winning.So the bat left the birds in a hurry and went over to the beasts.What are you doing on our side?an animal called out to him.\"Are you spying on us?Don't you know I'm one of you?asked the bat,showing his teeth.\"Look.Can't you see I've got teeth,too?Who are you trying to fool?said the animals.\"We saw you fighting on the side of。

请问鲁迅先生翻译过那些外国作品~ 一、俄国文学: 一、俄国文学:1909年在鲁迅和周作人合作译印的《域外小说集》中,又翻译了俄国作家安特来夫和迦尔洵的作品。1921年他翻译了俄国作家阿尔志跋绥夫的中篇。

下列动物中有“活化石”之美誉的是( )A.扬子鳄B.大熊猫C.丹顶鹤D.白暨豚 下列动物中有“活化石”之美誉的是()A.扬子鳄B.大熊猫C.丹顶鹤D.白暨豚 试题难度:难度:中档 试题类型:单选题 试题内容:下列动物中有“活化石”之美誉的是()A.。


