翻译:这块布料摸起来很柔软,用他做成衬衫穿起来很舒服(FEEL) This piece of cloth feels very soft,it will be very comfortable to make it into shirt for wearing.
这件毛衣摸起来很软很舒服,英语怎么说? baidu.com 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间 赞赏答主 5 10 50 100 200 已赞赏0财富值 合计:0 财富值 登录后赞赏 选择举报。
英语翻译 1.Wearing this cloth makes me feel very good about myself。it's comfortable。Looks lively and energetic,very fashinable,and it gives me confidence。2.I think this type of cloth has a lot of room in the market,because it suits the style of Chinese people very well。the sleeve is around medium sized,not too revealing.Chinese people tend to be less open,I believe this style would be favoured by many.3.I tried a few famour brands like Nike before,I think this design is an equivalent of them.