十二岁的小姑娘喜欢什么生日礼物? 送12岁女生生日礼物什么好我有更好回答巴别之塔 知道合伙人知道合伙人认证团队 2018-03-31可以找一些有创意的小东西、毛绒玩具、学习用品、漂亮衣服。1、手表:天天见,时时见,分分秒秒见,分分秒秒陪着你,2、特别版公仔:你可以买一个一般的比较公仔,然后自己给它加上一点东西,一句话或者她的生日,这样就花费不贵也很特别了。还可以送真人版卡通形象的公仔。3、水晶类礼物:比如水晶音乐盒、水晶化妆镜,女的都对纯洁无暇的水晶没有抵抗力。4、一本好书:能丰富女生的知识,歌德曾经说过:“读一本好书,就是和一位品德高尚的人谈话”。
我想要歌德的一首诗,要英文版的,(我爱你,与你无关)谢谢。 英文版 I love you。None of your businessI love you。None of your businessEven at night is endless yearningOnly belong to meDon't take to the dawnMaybe it can only exist and darkI love you。None of your businessEven if I stand by your sideStill carrying my eyesI don't want you to seeLet it hide in the behindI love you。None of your businessThat's why I don't remember your smileBut infinite seeYou upsetWhen I came to bloomI love you。None of your businessThoughts do not boil.So I choose to go to sleepAgain to see you in my dreamI love you。None of your businessEager to hide the eyeSo I hideDon't you see I get nervousI love you。None of your businessReally ahIt only belongs to my heartAs long as you can be happyMy sorrowYou don't need the tube对应中文版我爱你,与你无关我爱你,与你无关即使是夜晚无尽的思念也只属于我自己不会带到天明也许它只能存在与黑暗我爱你,与你无关就算我此刻站在你的身边依然背着我的双眼不想让你看见就让它只隐藏在风后面我爱你,与你。
有哪些关于爱情的句子? 1.女孩子真的需要有一个格局比你大能力比你强眼光比你长远教你人情世故带着你一起跑的男孩子而不是整天…