小学六年级英语上册课堂活动用书6页答案 1.听句子,看图写出答句。1)He's going swimming.2)No,they aren't.3)Yes,she is.4)No,they aren't.5)Yes,she is.6)Yes,she is.2.听对话,选择正确答案。B C C A C A3.读音标,并写出相应的单词。1)take wake whale plate plane page cake tail snake game date late grape April stationtable famous paper2)may day play stay3)rain paint e-mail 4)grey they 5)eight eighth weigh 6)great7)bike time fine mine quite climb ride line five nice kind nineteen ninty tidy beside8)my fly by why dry sky9)right light high bright 10)boy toy 11)toilet4.仿照例子重写句子1)The children are playing table tennis now.The children are going to play table tennis tomorrow morning.2)Mary is doing some reading now.Mary is going to do some reading tomorrow morning.3)Are Tom and his friends playing computer games?Are Tome and his friens going to play computer games tomorrow evening?4)Is Jim learning French?Is Jim learning going to learn French next term?5)We are seeing films now.We are going to see films this 。
六年级小学教材全解有没有英语? yes!like this:http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.18.tXbccS&id=39613188333&ad_id=&am_id=&cm_id=140105335569ed55e27b&pm_id=
小学教材全解六年级上册语文25课的译文 伯牙善于弹琴,钟子期善于倾听。伯牙弹琴,钟子期说:“好啊,高峻的样子像泰山心里想着高山,山!心里想着流水,钟子期说:“好啊,水势浩荡的样子好像江河!伯牙所思的,钟子期都能准确地道出他的心意。钟子期死后,伯牙认为世上再也找不到知音了,于是他把心爱的琴摔碎,终身不再弹琴。谢谢回答不会找我