英语翻译 我的家乡是昆山的英文


英语介绍家乡 用四级以下的词汇语法介绍家乡苏州(或者说昆山),包括enviroment,population,activities,food,climate,transportation system,famous for(you can see。。

介绍你的家乡(英语) 介绍我的家乡大连(英语)32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333365653833My hometown is a beautiful and rich seaside city-Dalian.The seasons are as beautiful as poems and paintings。Spring,everywhere birds and flowers,give people a vibrant scene。Dalian's spring sunshine is always very gentle,on the face will feel everything warm.The delicate breeze is like a spring girl gently blowing through the treetops,before long,all kinds of flowers will be in bud。You see。Spring flowers open the small yellow petals like a small trumpet to people in the spring。Sakura is also unwilling to lag behind,open that small body,one after another pink flowers in front of our eyes,its petals crystal clear,people love。Spring winds sweep the petals from beneath the cherry trees,and they dance with the wind.Summer,the sun can lose the gentleness of spring,like a fireball burning hot on the earth,as if to give off all the heat.At this time,people will involuntarily all cluster in the seaside,。

我的家乡人杰地灵用英语怎么说 我的家乡人杰地灵的英文翻译_翻译我的家乡人杰地灵My hometown outstanding全部释义和例句试试人工翻译outstanding_翻译outstanding英[a?t?st?nd??]美[a?t?st?nd??,?a?t?st?n-]adj.杰出的;显著的;凸出的;未完成的;[例句]Derartu is an outstanding athlete and deserved to win.[其他]原型:outstand 比较级:outstanding 最高级:most outstanding

