如何认识永乐宫壁画的艺术价值 怎样用英语介绍永乐宫


用英语描述太原 Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province,and a city rich in political,military,and religious history.Located along the invasion corridors between the nomadic regions to the north and the agricultural heartland around the Yellow River,it was the site of repeated invasion and occupation over the centuries.The central Shanxi region is rich in Buddhist and Taoist sites,including the famous Mt.Wutai and the Taoist Palace of Eternal Joy.Taiyuan is now a major industrial city in northern China,close to major iron and coal reserves.太原是山西省省会,而2113且是一座政治、军5261事、宗教历史之城。太4102原位于北方游牧地区和1653黄河农业中心区的长廊区域,这是多少个世纪以来不断被入侵和占据的地区。太原位于山西的核心地带,这里有许多佛教和道教的遗址,其中包括著名的五台山和道教永乐宫。太原现在已经成为一座北方的主要工业城市,富有丰富的钢铁和煤炭资源。

运城旅游景点英文介绍 Pujiu Pujiu Temple is situated in the west of Yongji city,Shanxi province.It is an interest place and love spot.A love-story between Zhangsheng and YingYing 。

“名胜古迹”的英语怎么说? place of interest(单数zhidao)places of interest(复数)scenic spots and historical sites(泛指多处景点)特指名胜古迹:scenic spots and historical sites拜访名胜古迹:Visit sites and monuments;Visit scenic spots;Visit places of interest世界名胜古迹:World famous sights and monuments;World Monuments例句回:Yet Istanbul,a city with as many monuments and as much beauty,manages to absorb change,to grow and to thrive.作为一座遍布名胜古迹和美景的城市,伊斯坦布尔在答成功融合变革的同时,得以繁荣勃兴。


