初二英语下册课本内容 牛津版的 中学生教材全解九年纪牛津英语下册答案


现在可以用on the front of表示在。 on 在.的上面/表面;in在.的里面in the front of 在.范围内的前部分如:He is sitting in the front of the classroom.他坐在教室的前部.on the front of 在.前部的表面上因为图案是印在书包的表面上的,因此用on the front of.On the front of her bag is a picture of a pig.在她书包前面的表面上,有一个猪的图案.又如:A kangaroo has a pocket to carry its baby on the front of its body.袋鼠身体的前部有一个携带幼仔的口袋.in front of 在(另一个物体)的前面如:The tree is in front of the house.树在房子的前面.

七年级下册牛津版英语课本单词表 Mdule1 unit1 natural element control injure cigarette end projectquestion information happen careful kind what kind of cause hill screen page answer above useful harmful discover wild boil melt so th.

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