河南南阳一高英语介绍 求一篇河南南阳的英语介绍。


河南南阳旅游英文介绍 镇平县 149094 474250 县人民政府驻雪枫街道办事处 内乡县 2465 62 474350 县人民政府驻城关镇 淅川县 2798 73 474450 县人民政府驻城关镇 社旗县 1203 64 473300 县人民。

你的英语老师让你准备一篇介绍张衡及他的事迹的短文。请根据下面提示内容组织你的文章。 One possible versionZhangHeng,a famous astronomer in the Han Dynasty in ancient China,was born in 78AD in Nanyang County in Henan Province.He made great achievements in literature,for he collected many folk stories in his books and described the development of the cities and the people’s living conditions at that time.Besides,he also advised the governors to reduce the burden of the peasants and to improve the agricultural conditions,leading to the improvement of agriculture and people’s living standard.One of his best known inventions was the seismograph,which once accurately forecasted the earthquake in Gansu Province.It was the first machine to forecast earthquakes in the world,which made great contributions to the study of the disasters.He was so great a man that he will be remembered not only by the Chinese people but also by the world for ever.略

如何评价南阳这座城市? 谁能评价一下这座古城的历史、现状和未来?阅读本贴后,请大家理性留言。出现骂爷爷的情况,会被删帖。敬请谅解。大家都爱家乡!希望它更好!加油!南阳是一个神奇的城市。。


