不惋惜不呼唤我也不啼哭这首诗主要想表达什么? 这是叶赛宁的一首诗,表达的是作者对于已经逝去的时光的感慨和对美好未来的憧憬以及创造美好未来的决心,有关的解释如下:一、原诗如下:【题目】:不惋惜,不呼唤,我也不。
最美的经典现代诗歌 1、发现 闻一多 我来了,我喊一声,迸着血泪,“这不是我的中华,不对,不对!我来了,因为我听见你叫我;鞭着时间的罡风,擎一把火,我来了,不知道是一场空喜。。
英语翻译 I have been wanted so much to describe the tense and anxious rythem of Pasternak as a singing of bird.This rythem,was so similiar to towering waves,floods,volcanos,running bulls.The whole words were fiiled with shock and amaza.At the same time,it hides a deep sense.What kind of bird it is?What heart of this bird it is?flow,get together-suddenly stop.No。it still moves。What kind of bird's songs can be taken as his rythem?Oh。I know。I realized the relationship of meaning and sound.没用工具