孟子曰“水信无分于东西,无分于上下乎?”东西和上下翻译成什么,为什么这样翻译 译文水流确实是本来不分东西的,难道也不分上下吗?全句是:水信无分于东西,无分于睡下乎,人性之善也,犹水之就下也。孟子对人性问题,提出了人性本状况的观点呢(′-ω-`)
英语翻译 水,是最接近于大道的,大道无所不在,而水也有利于一切,不留在高处,却只往低处去,从来不会逆势而走,是善于选择自己的所在.清澈而平静,深不可测,是善于渊远深奥.汲取而不会枯竭,付出不求回报,这是善于为仁.遇见圆处所在.
性犹湍水也,决诸东方则东流,决诸西方则西流。人性之无分于善不善也,犹水之无分于东西也。翻译成英文是 1、“性犹湍水也,决诸东方则东流,决诸西方则西流。人性之无分于善不善也,犹水之无分于东西也。《孟子—告子下》“Nature just as put up the water,if be inclined to east will flow to east,if be inclined to west will flow to west.The nature of human does not differentiate beteen good or evil,just as the water does not differentiate beteen east or west.”By《Mencius—Tell the son the last set》2、“蓬生麻中,不扶而直;白沙在涅,与之俱黑。《荀子—儒效》“Loose lives in the hemp,but does not hold straight;Baisha in alunite,is all black with it.”—By《Xuncius—Confucianism》3、“人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。《三字经》At the beginning of the human nature is good.close to practice far.By《Three Character Primer》4、“人之性也善恶混,修其善则为善人,修其恶则为恶人。《扬雄—修身》The human nature is also good and evil mix,to repair its good for the mountain people,to repair its evil for the wicked.\"—By《Yang—Self-cultivation》5、“夫中人之性,在所习焉。习善而为善,习恶而为。