关于订婚的祝贺信 不少于60词 英文的 英文就没了 你可以翻译嘛~订婚祝贺信朋友 很高兴你找到了你身边的另一半,即将你们就会成为一家人了,在此,我衷心地祝愿你们生活美满幸福,家庭和睦,早生贵子。
英语作文 你的表兄杨静跟女友张华订婚了。写一张贺卡恭喜她们喜结 I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olympic competition for the middle school students.I know that you are always good at English.You often win the praise of our teacher and always in the first place of our class.So I’m surprise at all that you become champion for this competition.However,in my mind,this match is very difficult.So I becomemore and admire you.
女孩说 我订婚了 男孩说 那恭喜你 女孩说 我订婚了 男孩说 那恭喜你 女孩子说了 2遍谢谢 之后就下线了。男孩是什么心理?为什么那么说?女孩又是什么心理为什么要说2遍谢谢。