巫妖王之怒开场对白,我只记得 我的儿子,你出生的那天……加冕为王什么的,我要全的,完整的对白。。 My My son,the day you were born,the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name:\"Arthas\".孩子,当你出生的那天,洛丹伦的森林中悄声回荡着你的名字:\"阿尔萨斯。。
关于巫妖王之战的对白 看了多击杀巫妖王视频,都几乎听懂和弗丁还有泰瑞纳斯台词,谁能帮我找找或者整理下.好英文都能列出来(台服第二击杀视频文语音).感激尽啊,注意愤怒之门。
求巫妖王之怒开场动画的英文台词 My son,我的儿子The day you were born,你出生的那天,The very forest of Lorderan whispered the name:整个洛丹伦的森林都在低语着这个名字:Arthas.阿尔萨斯.My child,孩子,I watched with pride,as you grew into a weapon of righteousness.我骄傲地看着你一天天长大,成为正义的化身.Remember,our land has always been ruled with wisdom,and strength.你要记住,我们一直都是以智慧与力量统治这个国家.And I know,我也相信,you would show restraint,when you exercising your great power.你会在谨慎地使用自己强大的力量.But the truest victory my son,但是,真正的胜利,Is stiring the hearts of your people.我儿,是激励人民的希望.I told you this,我告诉你这些For when my days have come to the end.是因为,总有一天,我的生命将抵达终点.You,shall be king。而你,将加冕为王。