80天环游地球英语读后感 请帮忙把这篇80天环游世界的读后感翻译成英文,急!!


请帮忙把这篇80天环游世界的读后感翻译成英文,急!! Books are our spiritual food.The reading of science fiction can enrich our imagination,and the\"Around the World in Eighty Days,\"I bought the third book of science fiction book I like to watch.Around the World in Eighty Days\"tells the major players out of Mr.Fogg is a bank manager,lost money,but when Phileas Fogg around the globe to Mr Fogg and playing with friends a bet,if he is not around the earth 80 days a week,he will be his two thousand pounds in the bank's license to his friends all,and thus,his friend happily agreed.The next day,when he and his servant went to the dock for outings Know,the police suspected Mr.Fogg stole the famous bank robber,therefore,called a detective to spy on Big Fogg.On the way,Mr.Fogg two encountered many difficulties,like the cult in the field to save people,to start shooting on the train and so on.They experienced many difficulties.All the way to the big detective tried to stop Mr Fogg,however,each time without success,finally,finally 。

《八十天环游地球》读后感200字 《八十天环游地球》读后感读了儒勒.凡尔纳写的《八十天环游地球》,我感受很多,特别佩服福克先生那不达目的不罢休的精神,福克先生的坚定意志时刻激励着我.福克先生是位极有修养的绅士,1872年10月2日,福克先生在改良俱乐部与朋友们打赌用80天环游地球一周.但他出发后英国国家银行失窃,侦探费克斯发现福克先生很像小偷,便在路上给福克先生制造了很多麻烦,但这并没有难住意志坚定的福克先生,他战胜了这些困难,终于按时回到了改良俱乐部.福克先生为什么能在当时科技不发达的时代、在自然和人为的障碍下只用八十天就能环游地球呢?原因只有一个:因为福克先生有坚定的意志,有克服困难的信心.在我们日常生活中,不也是如此吗?一些后进的同学并不是本来学习不好,而是因为一次做不好就失去信心,不再努力学习,缺乏坚定的意志,慢慢就成了后进.如果这些同学也能够像福克先生一样做事充满信心,再坚持一下,再努力一点,我相信,人人都是优等生.就拿前几天我抄写作文来说吧,爸爸事先规定我三十分钟内抄完,由于我缺乏信心,就与爸爸讨价还价,爸爸让我试试再说.当时我心里特别急,抄写时精力非常集中,字也写得飞快,在我努力下,只用了二十五分钟就抄完了.通过这件事,我明白了做事不能“难”字当头。

《八十天环游地球》的英语读后感 vbThis summer,my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books,\"Around the World in 80 Days,\"\"海底两万里.\"The\"Around the World in 80 Days\"This book is my favorite one of the books.On the main ch.

