这个周末你干什么事最快乐作文 快乐周末_写事作文


一个快乐的周末作文 晴朗的天气,阳光的心情,让这个周末特别快乐,以下是小编整理的快乐的周末作文六篇,欢迎阅读!快乐的周末作文(一)“真的好无聊

英语作文.《你上周末都做了些什么》 Last week,on Saturday morning,I cleaned my room,it was very dirty,but now is very clean,so because of this I feel happy.In the afternoon,I went to the library,I read a book about Chinese history.We want to learn,make persistent efforts.On Sunday morning,I went to the uncle,and brother play together for a long time,I am very happy.In the afternoon,I watched a movie about aliens.I have such a happy weekend。Next weekend,I want to go to a classmate home,discuss with him.In the afternoon,I want to take a shower,good personal hygiene.I also want to go to the playground,relax.Hope I can be happy。上个星期,在星期六的早上,我打扫了我的房间,它很脏,但是现在很干净,所以因为这个我感到高兴。下午,我去了图书馆,我读了一本关于汉语的书。

写一篇上周末做什么事的英语作文 Last week,on Saturday morning,I cleaned my room,it was very dirty,but now is very clean,so because of this I feel happy.In the afternoon,I went to the library,I read a book about Chinese history.We want to learn,make persistent efforts.On Sunday morning,I went to the uncle,and brother play together for a long time,I am very happy.In the afternoon,I watched a movie about aliens.I have such a happy weekend。Next weekend,I want to go to a classmate home,discuss with him.In the afternoon,I want to take a shower,good personal hygiene.I also want to go to the playground,relax.Hope I can be happy。上周,在星期六2113的上午,我打扫了自5261己的房间,它以4102前很脏,但现在1653非常干净,我的心情也因为这个随之高兴。下午,我去了图书室,我读了一本关于中国历史的书。我们要吸取经验,再接再厉。在周日上午,我去了叔叔家,和哥哥一起玩了很久,我很高兴。下午,我看了一场关于外星人的电影。我拥有一个多么快乐的周末啊!下个周末,我想去同学家,和他一起探讨问题。下午,我想要去洗澡,搞好个人卫生。我还想去游乐。

