根据括号内的提示翻译句子 1The hot weather makes me bored.2Xiao ming decides to study hard this term.3 Li jun didn`t go to school because of the rain.
说到XXX(事或人)我就有点不爽,怎么翻译? I feel sick everytime talking about XXX
请问feel与feeling的区别 eg. 翻译 1.我感觉很不爽 2.他希望她不久好起来 速度 谢谢 feel 除了是动词外,也可以作名词用。动词解作用触觉感受、感知、认为、相信、觉得等。名词则可解作触觉、手感、感觉、气氛等。The silk has a soft smooth feel.There is a feel of winter.feeling可以是名词或形容词。作名词用时,它的解释是:感觉、触觉、意识、看法、感想、感情等等,和feel的名词解释有重叠的地方。不过,7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333264656133feeling含有较重的情感成份,使人联想到情绪方面的感觉。The cold made him lose feeling in his fingers.She was guided by feeling rather than thought.His remark hurt her feelings.Have you no feeling for that poor,sick creature?I have feeling towards him.1.我感觉很不爽I have an uneasy feeling.I feel uncomfortable.2.他希望她不久好起来He hopes she get well soon.