别人恭喜你当爸爸了 朋友当爸爸了有什么好的祝福短信?


自己当爸爸了,别人说恭喜的时候,我该怎么回答? 写回答 有奖励 共6 6 同喜同喜!然后这个表情 0 9 匿名用户 2015-07-18 “哎,没什么好恭喜的,要开始累了。这样会显得比较成熟。抢首赞 什么才个性 。

恭喜你当父亲了 怎么翻译 1 恭喜你当爸爸了Congratulate you on becoming a father.2 他的伙伴们有的结婚了,有的都当了父亲,可他还是单身一个Of all his playmates,some have got married and the others are now fathers.He,however,still remains single.3 他买了一束花,却不知道该送给谁?He has bought a bunch of flowers but doesn't know whom to give it to.4 今年的情人节,他依然是一个人度过This year's Valentine's Day he spent by himself as usual.5 他不想找一个 个矮的女友 He doesn't want to have a short girl as his girl-friend.他想找一个 个高的女友Instead,he wants a tall one.6 他想找一个 个子高的,身材好的,皮肤好的 女友He wants to find tall one with a good build and a good complexion7 好朋友要过生日了,我送什么礼物好呢?我应该买什么礼物呢?My good friend's birthday is coming soon.what should I buy for him/what should I give to him as a good present?8 每当听到这首歌,我就会想起你,许多记忆又浮现出来。Whenever I hear this song,I am reminded of you with many memorires brought back.

自己当爸爸了,别人说恭喜的时候,我该怎么回答? 当然是说\"谢谢\"了,难道能说\"同喜\"吗?

