有关动物保护组织的英文报道 野生动物保护组织英语


野生动物保护组织英文简介 Wildlife Conservation Organization(WCS)is a protected wild animal for the purpose of public organizations.Them through education,to build the world's largest zoo and other action to change people's attitude towards nature,make people aware of animals and humans have the same right to life.IFAWInternational Fund for Animal Welfare(IFAW)is committed to worldwide by reducing commercial exploitation and trade of wild animals,protect habitat and help in crisis and suffering in animals to improve the welfare of wild and companion animals.IFAW actively seeking ways to solicit public participation,to stop the cruel abuse of animals,people and government institutions to promote the harmonious coexistence of animal welfare and animal protection policies.

关于保护野生动物的英语对话 A;what do you think of the way people use and treat animals?B:I think most people treat animals well,but we are often cruel to animals.When we raise animals or food,the conditions they live in are often poor.A;perhaps people should stop eating animals.We could grow crops.B;what would you do with all the animas?You couldn’t just let them go.Besides,some people would still hunt them.Meat has become an integral part of our diet.A;we could provide them with better conditions anyway.We should certainly try to improve the conditions at zoos.We should try to recreate the natural conditions as much as possible.B:that’s true.I think zoo are a good idea,because they allow people to get close to animals.I think it’s good for kids to see wild animals.A;I agree.I’m an adult and I love going to the zoo.I don’t like animals experiments though.I believe that we can do tests in other ways.B;I read that the number of animals being used in experiments is falling dramatically as 。

有关动物保护组织的英文报道 1.stop wearing clothes made of furs2.stop eating wild animals3.protect the environment where wild animals live in4.stop huntting wild animals as a joy5.decrease the pollution of the environment6.reinforce(加知强)道 the consciousness(意识回)of the importance of wild animals to our human7.propagandise(宣传答)the need to protect wild animals8.make movies about wild animals to enhance people's unstanding of them
