

上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey).以下是调查数据: 答案:解析:Last week we had a survey about which kind of person can be called your idol among 2 6000 students.From the result of the survey we can find that girls and boys differ in their attitudes toward the idols.18%of the surveyed girls take the great people as their idols and 25%of them think that their parents are their examples.It is interesting that half of them like the pop stars most and only 6%of them like the sports stars.Among the surveyed boys 48%of them like the sports stars most while only 14%of them consider the pop stars as their idols.What's 18%of them prefer the great people to be their idols.In boys' eyes their parents are the second to the least among their choice of idols.As to me I'd like choose the great people as my idols for I can learn a lot from them enriched by their life experiences and great characters.So which kind of persons do you like most?

写给老师的一封信,是写给初一新老师的,400-600字,不用写那么多,有一个初到班不认识同学的开头就行 你等等

五年级有学生180人,五年级比六年级的9分之5还多15人,六年级有多少人? (180-15)÷5/9=165×9/5=297(人)


