外研社出版的英汉双语读物小说怎么样?我想提高英语,想读读小说,带有翻译的,但不知道质量怎么样? 看英汉书能提高英语怎么说


怎样看英汉双版的名著最有效,即最能提高英语水平 我认为应该先看英文,还是先看中文但是首先得积累大量词汇和短语先从简单的看起就如皇帝的新装The Emperor′s New Clothes第一段paragraph 1Long ago and far away,there lived an Emperor.This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes.He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace.解析:Long ago and far away很久很久以前there lived an Emperor住着一个皇帝Emperor皇帝This Emperor was very vain这个皇帝十分空虚vain空虚could think about nothing but his clothes出了他的衣服他其他都不想He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.他有着装满衣服的衣柜和衣橱wardrobes衣柜(wardrobe的复数)cupboards(放置衣服、食品等的)小橱(cupboard的复数)They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace.它们(指衣服)充满了卧室的剩余空间和皇宫里的走廊我认为最重要的就是鸡肋单词如果遇到生疏的单词如minorities如果你不想浪费翻字典的时间,就去下载“有道词典”其中minorities[mai'n?r?tiz]还有。


英汉互译,这篇短文的英语怎么翻译? 这里有四把钥匙可以告诉我们怎样成为一个好的读者:听,说,读 Here are four keys can tell us how to become a better reader:listen,speak,read and write.First,we can use various language learn to talk,we can improve our ability to converse.Second,we can try to listen to grammar to improve our listening,this method can also improve our pronunciation.Third,we can often read some classics such as the book,when we read we can learn some new knowledge and new characters and words,if you meet new words and new words,we can recognize them by searching the dictionary.Fourth,we can practice our writing,can use the pen to record everything that you know.This is to improve the us to avoid writing,can also improve our calligraphy.These keys should possess。


