写一件使你感到温暖的事500以上,题目自拟 写一件让你感到温暖快乐的事


写一件同学间互相帮助的作文【只要片段。就是光留事情,不用开头,结尾.讲一件事情。】最好是借文具的 够300字了

什么事情使你感到快乐?叙述一件使你感到过快乐的事情,80字左右。(用英语写) The ancient said the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.I like travel,because travel not only allows me to enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland,but also brings me knowledge and exercise.Beautiful sceneries make me impressed and friendly people make me warm.Travel is a process of discovery of beauty that would company my whole life.I like the feeling on the road,which greatly enrich my life and fields of vision.Being to different places,seeing different views makes me know how big the world is,so that I won’t bother my trifles.I think a broad mind is extremely important to a person,and traveling is a good way to get it.Maybe some people would say that I travel just because I want to relax.There’s no doubt about that.No matter for what reason,traveling is attractive to us all.古人云:读万卷书,不如行万里路。我喜欢旅行,旅行不仅让我饱览祖国的大好河山,而且在学到知识的同时还锻炼了自己。美丽的风景让我印象深刻,有好的人们也让我倍感。

关于一件事让你温暖的作文50字 读书累了,父母2113为我们削个苹果,是感动5261;口渴了,朋友帮你打回一杯水,是感动;4102沮丧时,得到一句宽慰的话,1653是感动;高兴时,有朋友与你一起分享快乐,是感动;平凡的日子,收到一份小小的祝福,哪怕只是一片花瓣,一片树叶,也是感动…我和小姜家附近的公园里玩,突然我和小姜看见路边有一个阴井盖没盖上,露出了一个圆圆的大黑洞,“如果一个人不小心没看见大洞,掉了下去,那该有多惨啊!小姜担心地说。我摸了摸身上潮湿的衣服,看了看天,发现雨越下越大,我着急地说:“快回去吧!要不然可要成为落汤鸡哦。“不行,如果我不把井盖盖上,我是不会回去的!小姜坚定地说。说着她立刻跑到大洞边,一股难闻的异味扑面而来,连我站在这么远也闻得见。虽然很臭但她不怕,她卷了卷裤腕,拉了拉袖子,迅速地蹲了下去,使劲地抓住井盖,困难的把井盖往上提。因为井盖太重,像她这样的小身板是不可能抬起井盖的。但是她不放弃,一次次的失败打不倒她热热的为人服务的心意。她那白白嫩嫩的小手,被井盖粗糙的边给划破了,鲜红的血滴了下来,和雨水融合在了一起。我深深地感动着,时间在那一刻凝固着。她看了看我说:“再等我一会儿好吗?我内疚地说:“我来。


