帮我翻译一下 可再生能源法翻译


英语翻译---在线等-- Over the last decade,Spain has experienced one of the most spectacular growth rates for wind energy installation in Europe supported by aggressive development,strong technological content and a sustained fall in unit costs.According to the latest figures,795 MW of new wind tur?bines were installed during 2000.This raises the total ca?pacity in the country to 2234 MW(almost 3000 turbines),just behind Denmark,which holds the second place in the European league table(see Fig.6).得益于发展迅猛、技术含量提升及单个成本持续缩减,西班牙过去10年是欧洲风能装机量增长最快的国家之一。最新数据显示,该国2000年新装风力涡轮发电机容量达795兆瓦。至此,西班牙的风电总装机容量达到了2234兆瓦(总计安装了近3000台风力涡轮发电机),在欧洲仅居丹麦之后(见图6)。The most important leg?islative change in support of wind and other renewables came in December 1999,when the Spanish Council of Ministers approved the national Plan for the Promotion of Renewable Energy prepared by IDEA(the Agency for Energy 。

找英语高手翻译,前几天发的被百度大婶删了,非常抱歉,觉得自己行的就来给我翻译,分绝对不会少. 杜绝机译,确保质量,请楼主明鉴,并兑现加分.自上世纪七十年代爆发得能源危机以来,各国政府加强了新能源得开发和利用,人们把眼光投向了可再生能源,希望可再生能源能改变人类的能源结构,维持长远得可持续发展.其中太阳.

找英语高手翻译,前几天发的被百度大婶删了,非常抱歉,觉得自己行的就来给我翻译,分绝对不会少。 and hope renewable energy being able to change the energy structure of the human being,so as to maintain long-term sustainable development.Of which solar energy。


