古诗词中运用通感的句子 时政文的就事论事


孙中山的主要事迹有什么? 1866年11月12日 生于广东省香山县(今中山市)翠亨村一贫苦农民家庭.幼名帝象,取名文,号日新,字德明.父孙达成,早年在澳门当鞋匠,后回乡佃田耕作,兼村中更夫以补家用.母杨氏.兄孙眉(1854年-1915年),少年时曾为长工,1871年去夏威夷当华工.1876年10岁 入村塾读书.村塾课堂为冯氏宗祠.就读一年,即对传统教学方法反感.1878年12岁 5月,由香港乘船赴夏威夷(檀香山),自述“始见轮舟之奇…自是有慕西学之心,穷天地之想”;先在其兄孙眉开办的商店协助店务.翌年,入火奴鲁鲁学校读书.1882年16岁 7月,在意奥兰尼学校毕业;同年秋,入奥阿厚书院(高级中学)继续读书.1883年17岁 7月,自夏威夷经香港回国,是年秋返翠亨村.在海外五年,接受欧美文化科学知识和西方民主主义思想,开始在家乡反对封建传统和迷信,与挚友陆皓东砸毁村中神像;年底,受洗加入基督教.1884年18岁 4月,入香港英办中央书院学习,攻读中外书籍;5月,与卢慕贞结婚;8月,再赴香港中央书院复学.是年6月9日,清政府与法国签订了媚外的“中法条约”.1886年20岁 于香港中央书院毕业,复入美基督教长老会所办广州博济医院附属南华医学堂读医学,并兼修中国经史.结识同学郑士良.1887年21岁 转入香港西医书院学习.结识何启、孟生、。

关于时事的英语短篇作文 热点4:奥运会获奖运动员的高薪问题近几年,奥运会获奖运动员的高薪问题引起了广泛的社会关注.有些人支持这种做法,认为运动员们付出了很多努力,应该得到回报;有些人则持反对意见.请你就此写一篇100词左右的英语短文并发表自己的看法.参考例文:In recent years,the topic whether it is fair for athletes to pocket large sums of money has aroused and discussion.Those who support giving sportsmen high salaries think that athletes have won a great reputation for our country in the Olympic Games.What's athletes must undergo painstaking physical and psychological training.Besides,they offer a lot of encouragement to young people to take part in physical activities.However,some people have different ideas.They consider that athletes do little to boost the national economy directly.Thus they should not receive so much money.I believe that they should get high salaries,considering all the efforts they have made.

求一篇介绍罗马的英文作文 Rome,the capital city of Italy,owning a history of than 2,500 years.Rome has a population of three million with an area of about 1500 square kilometers.Rome is constructed on seven massifs and it is the city of the biggest area and the most population in Italy,as well as the center of politics,history and culture.At the same time,Rome is the birthplace of world civilization.Rome awfully looks like a giant open-air museum of history,owning the pantheon and so on world famous historical sites.Therefore,travellers will always want to stay here longer,such as the origin of the city's name.楼主:最后一句总觉得跟上文联系不上呢?是我才疏学浅还是什么呢?如需修改 请Hi我。希望能帮上你。


