怎么理解翻译的信达雅? 不自由毋宁死演讲稿中文


《不自由 毋宁死》英文的原稿 32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333264623331Mr.President,No man thinks highly than I do of the patriotism,as well as abilities,of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House.But different men often see the same subject in different lights;and,therefore,I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if,entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs,I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve.This is no time for ceremony.The questing before the House is one of awful moment to this country.For my own part,I consider it as nothing less than aquestion of freedom or slavery;and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate.It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth,and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country.Should I keep back my opinions at such a time,through fear of giving offense,I should consider myself 。

葛底斯堡演说中英对照全文 葛底斯堡演说是美国前总统林肯最著名的演说,内容:Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent,a new nation,conceived in Liberty,and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.八十七年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上给我们带来了一个新的共和国,她受孕于自由的理念,并献身于一切人生来平等的理想。Now we are engaged in a great civil war,testing whether that nation,or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure.如今我们卷入了一场巨大的内战,以考验我们或任何一个受孕于自由和献身于上述理想的共和国是否能够长久生存下去。We are met on a great battle-field of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field,as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that nation might live.我们聚集在这场战争中的一个重要战场上,我们来到这里,是要把这个战场土地的一部分奉献给那些为使这个共和国能够生存下去而献出了自己的生命的烈士们作为最后安息之所。It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.我们这样做是完全应该。

演讲稿不奋斗 毋宁死咋写呢????? 《不自由毋宁死2113》教案〔学习目标〕1.理清课 文的思路理5261解文章的内4102容 2.掌握演讲稿的特点学习演讲的技1653巧[学习时间]1 时[学习内容与步骤]一导入新课春秋小故事我国春秋战国时代辩士蜂起许多人靠口舌言谈平步 青云立取富贵君主崇尚口才天下学者俊士更是趋之若鹜翕然成风以在秦国推行 连横策略而著称的游说家张仪颇懂得舌头的珍贵他初到楚国当说客时一天碰巧 相国家丢失了玉璧主人咬定他是窃贼将其严刑拷打后逐出家门回家后妻子叹着 气说你若不读书游说的话怎么会遭到这样的奇耻大辱呢谁知张仪并无愠怒之色 也不垂头丧气却答非所问道你看看我的舌头还在吗妻子回话舌头还在张仪舒了 一口气说够了因为他懂得舌头在就有成功立业飞黄腾达之望后来他真的扶摇直 上当上了相国这真是伶牙俐齿力无穷秀口一张走天下关于语言的作用俄罗斯有 一句谚语语言不是蜜却可以粘住一切的东西烛之武智退秦师唐雎不辱使命触龙 游说赵太后邹忌讽齐王纳谏诸葛亮舌战群儒运用的工具都是语言拿破伦说过一 支笔一条舌能抵三千毛瑟枪刘勰《文心雕龙》中有一言之辩重于九鼎之宝三寸之 舌强于百万之师而演讲就是这样的一门语言艺术 一场成功的演讲便是一枝神奇的枪一把锋利的剑而一场。


