英语翻译 1.They happen to have a map of Beijing.2.Neither of these two computers can work.3.Please tell me why you were absent from school yesterday?4.Why are you late for class again?5.I am ready to answer yo.“为什么你今天不来上学”的英语怎么说 Why don't you go to school today?100%正确答案!英语翻译 how yesterday didn't come to class?A:you're down.2 be quiet didn't see me writing homework?1 why copying others?I trust that you could do better.2 shut up,I can't you tube.1 as your friend I hope you.英语翻译1昨天怎么没来上课?最近你很堕落.2安静点没看到我在写作业?1为什么抄别人的?我相信凭你自己能做的好.2闭嘴,我的事不用你管.1做为你的朋友我希望你振作起来,你不让我抄,那你帮我写完.我去玩.1你现在这样子,你觉得你玩的开心么?2再见! 英语翻译 Haven't you come why to attend class your how body not not comfortably to think of very much you gave you to deliver a letter are very regrettable you not to come you to read the letter not not happily not to want to be friend you with me to be sick of I had reason you to teach in addition very intense relaxation I to believe you were best refuel I to wait for you to in writing英语翻译 1、Mother asks me to eat breakfast every day2、The teacher told us not to forget to exercise every day.3、I used to be afraid of speaking in public.4、Lucy is not quite so good-looking as Lily5、They are busy getting ready for the trip6、I am glad that you are always help me7、China is famous for the Great Wall.8、Don't be late for class9、We are sorry for your behavior10、Women's Day is coming,why not give mother the gift?11、The teachers and the students all like sports12、Either you or she has passed the exam.13、He gave his son a dictionary14、It is getting warmer and warmer15、She became and beautiful16、They like traveling in holiday17、Before you finish your homework,you can go out to play18、Can you tell me how to get along with your classmates?19、Your party is ready?20、We have got ready to tell him the truth21、Please take the bag to my friends你为什么不去上学?(翻译为英语) why don't you go to school英语翻译 很简单,如果翻译成我们正在班级里做事的话应该是all of us are working in the class.working class是个词组,就是工人阶级.就像我问你为什么student翻译成中文是学生一样,这个叫人怎么解释呢?working class 就是个.你在哪里上学用英语怎么说? 1.Where do you study in?2.Where are you studying in3.可以4.可以extra language —— language可数,在这里为什么不需要加s? 老师不总是对,但这里老师未必是错的,language 的这里的用法是否不可数,关键是 extra 的含义.extra 可以有 额外,附加,其他,等含义句意和语境决定一切.判断 language 是否可数或不可数是很 tricky 的,即使 lang.
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