伤心泪尽话当年1955在线观看 苏珊·海华德的电影作品


苏珊·海华德的电影作品 作为演员的电影作品(数量:56)The Divine Ms.Susann-(2006)The Dish on Dolls-(2006)伟大的苏珊 Isn't She Great-(2000)The Making of a Legend:Gone with the Wind-(1988)Sixty Years of Seduction-(1981)Say Goodbye,Maggie Cole-(1972)The Revengers-(1972)Heat of Anger-(1972)试情记 The Honey Pot-(1967)Think Twentieth-(1967)娃娃谷 Valley of the Dolls-(1967)Verifica incerta,La-(1965)Hollywood My Home Town-(1965)情归何处 Where Love Has Gone-(1964)春残魂断/偷来的时间 Stolen Hours-(1963)I Thank a Fool-(1962)芳华虚度 Back Street-(1961)爱达夫人 Ada-(1961)The Marriage-Go-Round-(1961)天涯一妇人 Woman Obsessed-(1959)Thunder in the Sun-(1959)我要活下去 I Want to Live。(1958)Top Secret Affair-(1957)成吉思汗 The Conqueror-(1956)无情荒地有情天 Untamed-(1955)江湖客 Soldier of Fortune-(1955)伤心泪尽话当年 I'll Cry Tomorrow-(1955)Garden of Evil-(1954)圣徒妖姬/角斗士与德米特里乌斯 Demetrius and the Gladiators-(1954)White Witch Doctor-(1953)The President's Lady-(1953)情泪心声 With a Song 。

伤心桥下春波绿,曾是惊鸿照影来 是什么意思? 一、释义1、惊鸿:语出三国魏曹植《洛神赋》句“翩若惊鸿”,以喻美人体态之轻盈。这里指唐琬。2、意思是那座令人伤心的桥下,春水依然碧绿,当年这里我曾经见到她美丽的。

苏珊·海华德的获奖资料 1959 获奖 最佳女演员(Best Actress in a Leading Role)I Want to Live。(1958)我要活下去1956 提名 最佳女演员(Best Actress in a Leading Role)I'll Cry Tomorrow(1955)伤心泪尽话当年1953 最佳女演员(Best Actress in a Leading Role)With a Song in My Heart(1952)情泪心声1950 最佳女演员(Best Actress in a Leading Role)My Foolish Heart(1949)一厢情愿1948 最佳女演员(Best Actress in a Leading Role)Smash-Up,the Story of a Woman(1947)毁灭 1959 获奖 最佳女演员(剧情类)(Best Motion Picture Actress-Drama)I Want to Live。(1958)我要活下去1953 最佳女演员(音乐类)(Best Motion Picture Actress-Musical/Comedy)With a Song in My Heart(1952)情泪心声最受欢迎女演员(World Film Favorite-Female)1960 提名 最佳外国女演员(Best Foreign Actress)I Want to Live。(1958)我要活下去1957 最佳外国女演员(Best Foreign Actress)I'll Cry Tomorrow(1955)伤心泪尽话当年 1958 获奖 最佳女演员(Best Actress)I Want to Live。(1958)我要活下去


