你在干什么啊英语怎么说 你在干什么用英语怎么说


你在干什么用英语怎么说 1.What are you doing2.What the hell are you doing3.What are you about4.what r u doing

你要干什么用英语怎么说? what are you gonna do?【含有此意的双语句子】1、What are you gonna do?I want to be a reporter.你要做什么?我想当一个播音员.2、What will you do in the october break this year?今年“十一”长假你要做什么?3、What are you gonna do?i want to be a reporter.你要做什么?我想当一个播音员.4、Come on.You ' re up to something,and i know it.得了,杰克我知道你要做什么事.5、What will you do on spring holidays break this year?今年春节长假你要做什么?6、What are you doing?you ' ll get me into trouble.你要做什么?这样让我很为难的.7、What will you do in the october break this year?今年“十一”长假你要做什么?8、A:What will you do o ring holiday reak this year?今年春节长假你要做什么?9、I don ' t want any trouble.what are you doing?我不想找麻烦.你要做什么?10、You tell me what it is you wanna do with your life.你告诉我在你的生命中,你要做什么?

你在干嘛的英文怎么说 你在干嘛的英抄文:Whatareyoudoingdoing的近义词:workingworking读法英['baiw??k??]美['w?k??]1、adj.工作du的;操zhi作的;可行dao的2、n.工作;活动;制作;操纵3、v.工作;影响;受雇用(work的ing形式)短语:1、workingcondition工作环境;使用状态2、workingout规划(制定,作成,计算,算出);前进式开采3、workingface工作面;施工面;回采工祖4、workingprocedure运行程序;办理手续5、hardworking勤奋的;努力工作的扩展资料:doing读法英['du???]美['du??]1、v.做;干(do的ing形式)2、n.活动;所作所为短语:1、indoingso这样做时,在这情况下2、startdoing开始做3、howareyoudoing你还好吗4、enjoydoing乐于做…,喜欢做…5、enjoydoing乐于做…,喜欢做…

