小学生古诗词 中英版 适合大学生的英文诗歌朗诵,3分钟左右的。


小学三年级英语诗歌朗诵 Every day Every day I need you Lord But this day especially,I need some extra strength To face what ever is to be.This day than any day I need to feel you near,To fortify my courage And to overco.急求适合小学三年级孩子朗诵的英语诗歌和英语故事,参加比赛用的,时间在两分钟左右. 哲理的诗The Significance of FailureFailure doesn't mean you are failuer,It does mean you haven't succeeded yet.Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing,It does mean you have learned something.Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool,It does mean you had a lot of faith.Failure doesn't mean you've been disgraced,It does mean you were willing to try.Failure doesn't mean you don't have it,It does mean you have to do something in a different way.Failure doesn't mean you are inferior,It does mean you are not perfect.Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life,It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.Failure doesn't mean you should give up,It does mean you must try harder.Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it,It does mean it will take a little longer.Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you,It does mean God has a better idea.失败不表明你是一个失败者,它只是意味着你尚未成功而已.失败不表明你一事无成,它意味着你学有所成.失败不表明你是一个傻子,它。求适合小学五年级简单的英语诗歌。 Sing Your Way HomeSing your way home at the close of the day.Sing your way home drive the shad-ows a-way.Smile eve-ry mile for wherever you roam.It will brighten your road,it will lighten your load,if you sing your way home.急需一首励志或者是富有哲理的英文诗歌,3分钟左右,朗诵用稿;最好有中英对照. Never forgetYour presence is a gift to the world.You're unique and one of a kind.Your life can be what you want it to beTake it one day at a time.Focus on your blessings,not your troubles.And you'll make it through what comes along.Have belief in your ability.Persist,have courage,be strong.Nothing wastes energy than worrying.The longer a problem is carried,the heavier it gets.Don't take things too seriously.Live a life of serenity,not a life of regrets.Don't put limits on yourself.Your dreams are waiting to be realized.Don't waste time making excuses.Reach for your peak,your goal。你的存在是献给世界地一份厚礼你是唯一的,是独一无二的你想要的生活能成为现实日子要一天天的过多关注好事,而不是烦恼不论有什么困难,你都能克服相信你的能力要有毅力、有勇气,要身心坚强焦虑最浪费精力问题拖的越久就变得越沉重不要事事都太计较过平静的生活,不要活在悔恨之中不要自我设限你的梦想等着你去实现不要浪费时间找种种借口攀登你的颠峰,追求你的目标适合大学生的英文诗歌朗诵,3分钟左右的。 YouthSamuel UllmanYouth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination,vigor of the emotions;it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of 60 than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideas.Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry,fear,self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether 60 or 16,there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder,the unfailing childlike appetite for what’s next and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station:so long as it receives messages of beauty,hope,cheer,courage and power from men and from the Infinite,so long 。适合大学生的英文诗歌朗诵,3分钟左右的。 YouthSamuel Ullman Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a matter of the will,a 。小学生五年级英文朗诵诗歌 Crossing the Bar By Alfred Tennyson And one clear call for me。And may there be no moaning of the bar,When I put out to sea,But such a tide as moving seems asleep,Too full for.求爱国诗歌英文版的。 China the youthful 中国你永远年青Among the many pretty ones,万千佳丽,Only you do not use makeup.唯有你不施脂粉。Your feelings are genuine,一片纯情,You have a radiance all your own.光彩照人.You are youthful。你是青春!Among scores of high mountains,百十山岳间,Only you have a longer horizon.唯有你天开地阔。Looking for close friedds among equals,平等中寻觅挚友,And building up oneself through honest deeds.以诚实营造自我.You are China。你是中国!


