预算完成情况 英文 英语翻译


求土木(预算)专业英文翻译 专业翻译20分 在线翻译不给分 贝氏体钢:第一部分摘要:板条型细晶粒铁素体和渗碳体混合形成的区域会拥有一些涉及铁素体和珠光体高温反应特性,以及马氏体反应的特性。一般来说,这些中间结构是贝氏体,是埃德加贝恩谁与达文波在他们首次系统研究等温奥氏体分解时发现的。贝氏体产生在热处理冷却速度太快以至珠光体无法形式,又不够迅速而无法产生马氏体的情况下。转变温度降低,贝氏体性质会发生改变。可确定有两种主要形式,上贝氏体和下贝氏体。摘要:在低碳钢中,往往很难单独将贝氏体反应从铁素体和珠光体反应中区分出来,因为在贝氏体反映中这些相可以在类似的过程中不断形成。例如,TTT图中,0.8%的碳钢是一个连续的曲线虽然是珠光体和贝氏体反应都发生,但是难以将这两个反应分开而充分研究其各自的动力学。太长了,懒得翻了。

英语翻译 The information released yesterday,collect the central and local statements,the 2008 national revenue 61330.35 billion yuan,2007(hereinafter)increase 10008.57 billion yuan,up 19.5%,complete 104.

英语翻译 2 workload has completed the actual cost(ACWP),that is,the actual cost,that is recognized in accordance with the approved budget,to a de facto has completed the work required by the cumulative value of investment funds,which have been equivalent to End project and the budget price of the product And is,it reflects meet the quality standards of the actual progress of works and the performance reflects the amount of investment to project the outcome of the transformation;ACWP refers to a process of project implementation stage of practical completion of the workload of the amount of working hours(or costs).CWP is mainly reflect the actual implementation of projects consumption indicators.For example:in the example above,the actual spent the last two weeks time to complete the purchase and installation of the server.In the first week spent 25,000 yuan to buy a server,in the second week spent 05,000 yuan to complete the installation work.The first week of the ACWP=2.5 million,the second 。

#预算英文缩写#预算完成情况的报告#预算费用的英文#预算完成情况 英文#已完成工作预算费用的英文

