在香港科技大学 (HKUST) 就读是怎样一番体验? 这段时间一直在关注这个学校,学校官网里面有一篇文章,《科大纪事》,是一位清华的交换生一个学期的交换…高分求助:专业英语翻译(回答完整分数可追加100分)。 以下为原创翻译,请参考。o^集中供暖的一般公共建筑的热水系统常用形式Common type of hot-water system for general public buildings with central heating上供下回单管串联系统Series system of single pipes with type of upside feed and underside return flow下供下回式双管并联系统Parallel system of Double pipes with type of underside feed and underside return flow下行式散热器供暖系统Heating system of down-type radiator上行式散热器供暖Heating system of up-type radiator冬季房间主要热负荷的组成Composition of main heat loading for the room in winter夏季房间主要冷负荷和湿负荷的组成Composition of main cold loading&wet loading for the room in summer稳定传热计算方法Stable heat transfer computation method室内给水系统的给水方式Feedwater method of indoor feedwater system室内给水管道敷设Indoor feedwater pipes layout室内消火栓灭火系统Indoor fire extinguisher system室内消火栓给水管网Feedwater pipe network of indoor fire hydrant system闭式自动喷洒灭火系统Closed&automatic fire 大数据与深度学习区别? 老是看到大数据 数据挖掘 深度学习 机器学习等,请问下这些有什么区别呢?串并转换,是通过什么原理实现的啊? 串并转换,是通过VHDL语言原理实现,将一条信息流(假如有8bits)分成两路信号的话,两路同时传输,时间就是原来时间的一半。串并转换定义:把一个连续信号元序列变换成为表示相同信息的一组相应的并行出现的信号元的过程。串并转换应用学科:通信科技(一级学科),通信原理与基本技术(二级学科)。谁能用英语帮我翻译下这段,我做论文的摘要用的,急 The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM)is one kind of special multi-carrier transmission plan,it may regard as is one kind of modulating technology,may also regard as one kind of multiplying technology.Chooses OFDM a primary cause to lie in this system to be able to resist the frequency selection to decline well or the selective interference.Its basic principle is decomposes the high speed data stream into the multi-channel parallel low speed data streams,simultaneously carries on the transmission in many carriers.Speaking of the low speed parallel sub-carrier,as a result of the mark cycle stretch,the latency which the multi-diameter effect creates expands changes relatively is small.When in after each OFDM mark inserts certain guard time,the intersymbol interference nearly may neglect.We in the MATLAB GUI graphical interface,design the OFDM transmission contact surface,realizes using the MATLAB language controls the key function,may be very direct-viewing the 你的英语好吗?帮我翻译一个摘要,谢谢!(你真有才) Abstract CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)is the digital communication Spread-spectrum technology is a branch of the Communication developed on the basis of technology.It is mainly for the use of orthogonal(or possible orthogonal)allocated to the different coding modulation signals of different users,Multi-user use the same frequency access system and network communications.Due to the use of orthogonal(orthogonal or possible)to the coding modulation signal,it will signal spectrum bandwidth expansion namely,the so-called spread spectrum.CDMA core technology are:1.Multiple Access technology;2.rake 3 receiver.Multi-user detection;4.Power Control 5.Soft capacity 6.soft switching;7.Address Code choose 8.Diversity.CDMA exist,we should not overlook the problems:authentication;International roaming;Separation card is not very mature.After several CDMA networks and achieve development,it is now gradually mature.CDMA in China have developed rapidly,the CDMA system has basically taken 专业英语翻译(回答完整分数可追加100分). 以下为原创翻译,请参考.^o^集中供暖的一般公共建筑的热水系统常用形式 Common type of hot-water system for general public buildings wi关于可控硅的英语文献,最好翻译成中文!!!急用 Two-way design and application of silicon-controlled analytical studiesAbstract:Analysis of a two-way thyristor design and parameters selection methods and at the same time introduced the method of bi-directional SCR installation.Keywords:SCR;current rate of increase;thermal Silicone GreaseIntroductionIn 1958,the General Electric Company from the United States successfully developed the first industrial SCR beginning of the transformation and control of electrical energy from the rotating unit converter,static converter ions into the semiconductor devices in power converter composed of the times.SCR sub-one-way and two-way thyristor SCR.SCR is generally used one-way flow of color,over-voltage protection circuit.TRIAC circuit generally used for the exchange regulator,such as lamp dimmers and automatic washing machines control the AC power.Two-way thyristor SCR is based on the general evolved,it can replace not only two anti-parallel thyristor polarity,but only as a trigger一块开发板上的多个FPGA间如何通讯? 对于多个FPGA之间的通信,只要IO连接上了,对于高速的数据流需要同步时钟,对于低速的接口,只需要异步处理即可。下面介绍几种FPGA之间常用的数据通信方式。一、GPIO通信两块FPGA之间通过普通IO互连,加上上拉电阻或下拉电阻的方式异步通信,这类通信适合电平信号,使能信号,逻辑控制信号的异步处理,起到通知,控制作用。二、低速设备通信两块FPGA之间的常用低速设备通信有以下几个1、异步串口通信(UART)异步串口通信,是最常见的通信方式之一,是一种应用广泛的短距离串行传输接口。常常用于短距离、低速、低成本的通讯中。基本的UART通信只需要两条信号线(RXD、TXD)就可以完成数据的相互通信,接收与发送是全双工形式。TXD是UART发送端,为输出;RXD是UART接收端,为输入。uart的数据协议简单,如下2、SPI总线通信SPI 总线有3线制(片选CS,时钟SCK,输入输出SDA)、四线制(片选CS,时钟SCK,输入SDIN、输出SDOUT)等,常用于操作NOR FLASH,一些专用芯片的配置总线,是一种高速的,全双工,同步的通信总线,SPI总线有四种工作模式,常见模式0和模式3。3、I2C通信I2C总线常见于读写E2PROM,专用芯片的配置总线,DSP的启动方式之一。I2C总线只有两根线,时钟
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