描述一个你想要在未来的工作作文 写一篇使用大约50个词描述自己理想的工作的英语作文(要附带全文的中文意思)


写一篇使用大约50个词描述自己理想的工作的英语作文(要附带全文的中文意思) I have made up my mind to be a solicitor.There are two main reasons for my choosing this.First,I want to help the innocent people out of guilty.Since I have seen many innocent people being scapegoats of the true criminals in the films,I decide to avoid this cases in the reality.Second,this is a well-paid and promising job.Although I have to confess that this job may be much difficult to do it well,the handsome wage and excellent treatment give me the stimulus to pursue it.To realize my dream,I have to make full use of the leisure time to acquire the essential knowledge to become one of the best in this field.我已经下决心成为一名律师了。原因有二。首先,我想帮助那些62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333330346639无辜的人摆脱强加的罪名。我曾在影片中看到许多无辜的人成了真正罪犯的替罪羊。我就决定在现实中避免遇到这种情况。其二,这是一个很有前途的高薪的工作。为了实现这个梦想,我必须充分利用我的闲暇时间去获取必要的知识以至于在这个行业中脱颖而出。与此同时,我要锻炼我的口才,因为。

说一篇作文关于我的未来的作文 篇一:我的未来作文我常常想,我长大以后干什么?是画家、科学家还是医生?这个问题困扰了我很久。现在我终于找到了一个令我满意的答案:服装设计师。有一天,妈妈带我去上街玩,我看见人们都穿着花花绿绿的衣服,有蓝色的、有紫色的、还有黄色的,漂亮极了。我想,服装设计师能设计出各式各样的衣裳,有晚礼服、西装、T恤、连衣裙、牛仔裤等。人们穿上它们,就会变得更加美丽了。我一定要努力学习,朝着我的目标奋斗!篇二:我的未来不是梦刚睡下不久,我便渐渐的沉入梦乡。我梦见自己已经是位青年人,而且还是一位女教师呢?整座麻江城已经变的高大气迈,一座座高楼大夏。不仅房子变了。我们的校园也变了。变得让你无法想象。已成名为名师名校了。这样生机勃勃的校园啊,真令人遐想。进入校园,园内是那样辽阔整洁。一阵阵清香扑鼻而来。简直想让我高歌一曲,想我低吟一首小诗。又想让我手舞足蹈起来。整齐而又朗朗的书声让人感觉心情舒畅,让人陶醉。进入教室,同学们异口同声的道贺“黄老师”好。这时我心里乐滋滋的带着愉快的心情答道:“同学们好”。我给同学们带来愉快的心情,会给同学们布置很少的作业,减轻他们的压力,不课后陪伴他们做游戏,开开心心的。

英语作文 你未来想有一个办公室工作么 I like home office.A home office can be a space within an individual's personal residence that is used for business purposes.It may be a corner of a spare bedroom equipped with nothing than a desk,or,it could be one whole floor of a house filled with the latest in computer and communications devices.Whatever its size and composition,however,the home office is increasingly common today.A majority of the people who work from their homes are self-employed small business owners


