欢迎你到天津旅游,哪里有意式风情街.里面有很多比利时餐馆.翻译成英文 龙阳村到光谷德国风情街


求一篇介绍天津意式风情街的英语作文 Tianjin Italian Style Street(Hebei District,Tianjin fraternity on the 30th)at the end of 1998,as an important part of the comprehensive development and construction in the Haihe,start the development and construction of the Italian style,take full advantage of the unique historical and cultural resources in the region.Tianjin in the early 20th century AD,there have been eight countries in setting up the concession.Foreign people in the construction of European-style buildings,for office and residence.Italian Concession place located in the between Beian and Tianjin Railway Station.1902,Italy appointed a lieutenant called the Filo ladder(filete),the Marine Corps to do the project manager,responsible for Italian Concession Regulations and construction of such an opportunity,an ordinary Italians always load Tianjin history.To build the center in the concession process of building,the Marco Polo Plaza complete the road network and comprehensive public facilities,housing construction 。

欢迎你到天津旅游,哪里有意式风情街.里面有很多比利时餐馆.翻译成英文 Welcome to Tianjin,where there is Italian style street and a lot of resteraunts in it.

意式风情街的历史介绍 天津海河意式风情区坐落在天津河北区南端,曾是天津近代史上意大利租借地的中心区,已有近百年历史.原有街区及建筑基本保持原貌,是至今我国乃至东南亚地区最大的也是唯一的意大利文化集中地,几乎包含了意大利各个时期不同风格的建筑.在这个区域的周围有诸多著名的近代和现代历史名人故居,如梁启超饮冰室、李叔同故居、曹禺故居和袁世凯、冯国昌宅邸等,历史文化底蕴深厚,具有十分广阔的开发利用价值.区内步行道铺有意式风格鹅卵石和花砖,路灯全部为欧式造型;路牌、电话亭、果皮箱等全部采用意大利设计.区内设有服饰街、皮具街、旅馆街、娱乐街等工艺品商店,还有为外商活动设立的教堂及子女学校、金融机构等.以现有的建筑、历史、文化资源为基础,建成融旅游观光、商业娱乐、工业加工于一体的商贸旅游区.当游人进入该风情区中就仿佛置身于意大利的大街中,空气中满部意式风情和异国情调.


