有效蓄水量英文怎么写 蓄水量的英文翻译


英语翻译 Crest upstream side of the screen to build a certain height,can have water,wave function,can decrease again TianZhuLiang and panel of the area,reduce the construction cost.According to the concrete face rockfill dam design specification(SL228-98),the height of screen for 3.5 m.Researching crest above 1.0 m,elevation 158.0 m,The wall 154.5 m,wall bottom elevation higher than normal impoundment level 0.5 m,In order to facilitate inspection(walk,researching in upstream side floor height 154.9 m wide 0.8 m set of human pavement.By researching the cantilever steel reinforced concrete structure,based on the design code for SL265(gate-2001),according to the method of researching on the retaining wall and anti-inclining stability against sliding and calculation,in controlling the load combination engineering cases and anti-inclining stability against sliding and meet the requirements specification.Screen,英语翻译 The internal relative humidity of the control paste decreases and stabilizes at approximately 83%RH within one week of hardening.The values obtained for the control and SF pastes,83%and 90%,respectively,are in reasonable accordance with the literature[46,47,53,54];the RHA pastes values are 87%and 88%,respectively for the RRHA and the CRHA.控制浆体的内部相对湿度下降,并在一周的硬化内稳定在大约83%RH。对控制浆体和SF浆体获得的值,分别是83%和90%,和文献[46,47,53,54]合理一致;RHA浆体的值,对RRHA和CRHA来说分别是87%和88%。Fig.5 indicates a marked influence of the silica-content on the reached level of equilibrium relative humidities(see Table 1).The higher RH of pastes with mineral admixtures,when compared with control mixture,is explained by the lower water consumption during hydration.图5表明,二氧化硅含量对平衡相对湿度的达到水平有显著的影响(见表1)。带矿物掺合剂的浆体较高的RH,当与控制混合物相比时,可由水合过程中较低的水消耗来解释。The autogenous shrinkage results indicate 。What does 蓄水期 means in Chinese? 中文词条名:蓄水期 英文词条名:在住宅销售中,由于面对购买者的范围,相比而言比较广阔,而且住宅的销售周期一般比较长,在销售中,住宅的思路千万不可用到商业中。否则。英语翻译--在线等-- Wind Power in Denmark丹麦的风力发电The Danish government’s commitment to wind-derived electricity has been enshrined in a succession of energy plans.In early 1999,the total installed wind power ca?pacity of 1500 MW already supplied 10%of the country’s electricity.This figure was actually set in the Danish Government’s new plan of action(1996)as the target for 2005.The impressive growth of total installed wind energy capacity can be seen in Fig.5.To show its commitment to CO2 reduction,the Danish government decided in 1997 to phase out coal completely as a fuel in power stations.一系列的能源计划,凸显着丹麦政府发展风电的承诺。1999年初,该国风力发电总量为1500MW,占全国供电量的10%。别忘了,这一数字是1996年丹麦政府为2005年制定的发展目标。风电总装机量增长,可见图5。为实现其减排二氧化碳的承诺,丹麦政府1997年决定逐步淘汰为发电站提供燃料的煤炭。By 2030,wind power is expected to supply 50%of Den?mark’s electricity and a quarter of its total energy require?ments.This is the most 。英语翻译 The Sydney opera house of the sail of boat form,from 1973 set up,always the shape is novel,the charming 著 call in a life time.The Sydney tower of the city centers is city in Sydney of again one mar.水库蓄水量英文怎么写 水库蓄水量[词典]reservoir storage capacity;pondage of reservoir;[例句]如果埃及所有的谷物都由自己种植,所需水量将占阿斯旺(Aswan)大坝水库蓄水量的六分之一。If Egypt grew all its own cereals,it would require one-sixth of the water in the Aswan dam reservoir.英语翻译 This year 7 typhoon\"dandelion\"(Mindulle)yesterday in zhejiang,landed lasted nearly a week of fujian prevent stage anti Taiwan work is over.But water conservancy expert analysis says the typhoon did.高分翻译英语 雨水储存可以选择在地上或地下建蓄水池。地下蓄水池应该比较适合,因为宝贵的地表要为建筑物和停车场提供空间,而且也为了可以最大限度的提高蓄水量。这个经由挑选的典型的商业项目占地面积10英亩,它的供水系统预算就能说明在项目设计阶段,做好供水系统的预算是多么有价值。我们可以对几个可选方案进行评估,来确定蓄水池最合适的尺寸以及要求达到的水流量。英语翻译 水库在大雨前距整个水库满差多少加仑的水?(没下雨之前要多少加仑的水,水库才会满?138除以0.82等于168.3168.3减124等于44.3 billion gallons有效蓄水量英文怎么写 有效蓄水量effective storage capacity


