听起来是一个好的计划。翻译成英文。 这听起来是个很好的计划英语翻译


听起来是一个好的计划。翻译成英文。 Sounds like a good plan.

英语翻译 His words sounds good,however,it's not practical.By the way,do you think it workable to sit here discussing this matterA lot of people get sick easily because of unbalanced diet.The meat contains the vitamin and the mineral that is necessary to our body.For the sake of the hot day,we choose to have a holiday in Dalian instead of Xiamen.

英语翻译 1.His words sound nice,but they don't meet the facts.2.By the way,do you think it's useful sitting here,discussing thisquestion?3.Having seen the scene where animal were killed,I lost my appetite of eating meat.4.Many people tend to fall sick because of improper diet.5.Meat contains the vitamins and minerals we need for the growth of human bodies.6.Because of the hot weather,we finally chose to spend our holiday in Dalian,instead of in Xianmen.


