飞扬健身操12 英文舞曲电音女王 谢金燕 练舞功这舞曲叫什么名字 健身舞谢金燕我爱你


罗志祥05年以后参加过的综艺节目 楼主你好!本人也喜欢 小猪!2005-11-4 为世界儿童日献爱心 罗志祥出任爱心大使2006-12-22 罗志祥献爱心 与育幼院院童提前过圣诞节2007-10-31“小猪”罗志祥 出钱为老家铺路2007-11-21 罗志祥担任\"麦当劳世界儿童日\"爱心大使 http://gb.cri.cn/19064/2007/11/21/2745@1849395.htm2008-01-15 罗志祥上海旋舞募捐 创闪电新纪录2008-5-12 四川汶川发生8.0级强烈地震,地震发生后正在泰国工作的小猪,特别到四面佛拜拜,为灾民祈福,不过搭机返台的飞机上,看到报纸刊登一张张怵目惊心的地震灾后照片,他愣了1小时,动也不动看着照片。他表示,照片上倒塌的房屋,被压在砖瓦下无助的眼神,令他深感难过,同时想着还能为四川灾民做什么。小猪回台后,先与同公司的蔡依林与杨丞琳合捐100万人民币,后自创的街头潮牌「Stage」及旗下员工再捐200万台币赈灾。小猪除了以品牌的名义捐款,也号召其他的潮牌加入捐款活动,希望集合更多力量。Stage」也赶制了上千件小尺码的T恤送往四川给受灾小朋友2008-01-13 此次罗志祥上海舞所不在专辑签售活动还有另一个重要的意义,那就是帮助一所民工子弟学校募集善款,建造爱心图书馆2008-06-27 热心公益的罗志祥,分文不取,替爱点。

飞扬健身操12 英文舞曲电音女王 谢金燕 练舞功这舞曲叫什么名字 请问曾益英广场舞 飞扬健身操15的歌曲名称是:Doin' It Again歌名:Doin' It Again歌手:Dj Valium面世年份:2001年作曲:Dj Valium作词:Dj Valium歌词:Listen to the sound of my lonly voice,Don?t turn around,you?ve got no coice.Think about the past,and how you live in me,Day by day,why don?t you see?Remember what we did when we first met,At the station in the morning all the things you said.Only memories are left,always by my side,I need a different place,a place to hide.Chorus:If I could turn back all the hands of time,It would get better if you?d still be mine.Cause all I know since you were 9 or 10Is how I feel so we should doin it again。I wanna be with youI wanna be with youFinding hard to say goodbye,A never ending story even if I cry.Everything remains me when I?m lying in my bed,What should I do,I feel so sad。It?s like a shadow of an endless night,And it really seems to be that theres no spark of light.All this little things will never be the same,Late at night。


