初二作文 我理想的的高中生活 600字。速答必加分.急急急!!!!!!!!!! 作文我理想的高中生活


求英语作文,我理想的高中生活。100词 High school study will make preparation for future study and even the whole life.I always think what is the ideal high school life.First of all,in high school I。

英语作文 我理想中的高中生活 High school study will make preparation for future study and even the whole life.I always think what is the ideal high school life.First of all,in high school I should have a good study environment so that I can obtain sufficient knowledge.This study environment should encourage students to learn to think,analyze and understand the daily life.Secondly,I believe students should get knowledge about the nature and the life,which can be taught in high schools.Thirdly,in high schools students need to keep healthy both physically and mentally.As a result,all kinds of entertainment and sports facilities should be encouraged and provided.In a word,ideal high school life should be helpful for students growth and study.

急需八百字作文“我的理想高中生活”求求你们了,必定采纳!!谢谢! 小的时候,如果有人问我:“你的理想是什么?我一定会撅起嘴说:“理想是什么?我没有理想。心里却在想:有好吃的、好穿的、好玩的就行了,还要什么理想。后来,有人提醒我:“吃好、穿好、玩好,这不是你的理想吗?难道你的理想就这个水平吗?于是,我听到同学们各种各样所谓的理想:工程师、科学家、解放军、画家、医生…等等,五花八门,应有尽有。我略有所悟:原来我也有理想,原来理想应该涉及具体的职业。于是,幼稚的我,也开始据此构筑心中的理想大厦。是成为画家吗?可我只会依样画葫芦,没有一点创意;是成为歌唱家吗?天生一幅乌鸦嗓子,难登大雅之堂;是女警察吗?我天性喜静不喜动,见个毛毛虫也吓得半死,抓不了坏人。不过,电视舞台里那些穿着奇装异服的美丽模特倒吸引了我,让我羡慕不已。那身段、那服装、那丰姿、那舞步、那旋律、那气势,多浪漫、多威风,真叫人心驰神往、如醉如痴。于是,“模特”住进了我的理想大厦,并逐渐占据了我的心。我常常和小伙伴们一起走模特。迈着舞步,哼着小曲,神气活现,没有灯光、没有伴奏,却也别有一番风味。走模特步的时候,我总是很兴奋、很自信,心想:我一定走得好神气、好威风、好可爱吧?想着想着,我。

