英语句子翻译: 1.我们准备建立一个食品站去帮助那些饥饿的人。 2.做志愿者工作是很伟大的。 我们准备建立一个食品站去帮助那些饥饿的人we are ready to set up a food bank to help hungry peoleIt is great to do volunteer work.Every volunteer will take us three hours.He is not only our teacher,but also our friendsNot only do you want to attend the meeting,he will attend the meeting.他们打算建立一个食品库来帮助那些挨饿的人用英语怎么说 They are going to set up a food bank to help the starving people.希望对您有用。为了降低空运费,我们打算再下一个新订单,数量10kg,我们只需要空运10kg的货物所以请单独打包.请告知最快完成时间?其余的200kg安排海运. 1.In order to reduce the cost of air freight,we're going to make another new order,the number of air fright is 10kg.2.We only need to send 10kg of the goods by air,but please pack them separately.3.Please inform me of the fastest finish time.4.The rest of 200kg will be sent by sea.我们准备设立一个食物赈济处帮助饥饿的人的翻译 We are ready to set up a food relief office,to help the hungry求DecadentPeanutButterPie的翻译这是什么食物?求DecadentPeanutButterPie的翻译这是什么食物.?明年我们打算建一座高楼 英文翻译 Next year we plan to build a tall building英语翻译 翻译下列句子成英语:1 我们打算在本周末做出一个决定.We are going to made a decision this weekend.2.如果有麻烦,你可以找警察帮忙.I there is any trouble,you may ask police for help.3.听到那个令人激动的消息时,他们忍不住大笑了起来.On hearing the exciting news,they couldn't help laughing.4.这位老人迫不及待地要建一座新房子.The old man could wait no to build a new house.5.你很快就会习惯这儿的环境.You will soon be used to the environment here.6.我们下星期将去海南旅游.We are going to travel to Hainan next week.7.教室里的人太多了,我们不得不挤着出去.There are so many people inside the classroom,we have to crowd out.宝贝勤学好问,天天进步。他们为何打算在那儿建一个食物赈济处?翻译 Why do they intend to build a relief food supplying center there?英语翻译 1、I suggest you go out for a walk,relax the mood,not a person at home 2、I suggest you have a look book,broaden your knowledge 3、Are you ready to ask what we eat tonight?4、Tonight you're going to t.我们打算在村里建一所学校英语怎么翻译 We plan to build a school in our village.这里面用our village比较到位,因为这里面的村里明显指的就是“我们村”。或者另一种翻译方法 We have the plan to build a school in our village.
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