写一封邀请函:邀请别人来到建平西校 20 January 2007Dear Miss Zhang You are cordially invited to attend our open celebration of new campus at China City Campus,383 Yuanshen Road on 10:00 am,16 November 2009.As you are a close friend of u.
写一封邀请函:邀请别人来到建平西校 20 January 2007Dear Miss ZhangYou are cordially invited to attend our open celebration of new campus at China City Campus,383 Yuanshen Road on 10:00 am,16 November 2009.As you are a close friend of us,we would very much like you to participate and share our pleasure.Wish you be there.Yours faithfully,ManManJianping West School2007年1月20日亲爱的张小姐我们诚意邀请您参加我们在华城校区,zd383号源深路10:00新校区开业庆典时,09年11月16日。由于您是我们的亲密朋友,我版们非常希望您能够参与和分享我们的快乐。希望您在那里。文文建平西权校
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