select count 去重复数据 oracle查重复数据并显示出来


SQL高手帮忙啊!一个去除重复的语句 要实现类似select * from TABLE where count(ziduan2)>2的功能 用Cross apply就可以了,如:select c.*from(select chepai from TABLE group by chepai having count(1)>;2)across apply(select top 1*from table b where b.chepai=a.chepai order by 你用于排序的字段)c

SELECT 语句去掉重复数据的问题 可以尝试select distinct a and b,a,b,c,d from

oracle 怎样查出表中重复列的数据? select a,count(*) from table group by a having count(*)>1 这样? 1、查出表中重复列的数据:select a,count(*)from table group by a having count(*)>;12、查重复次数最多的列:select a,num fromselect a,count(*)num from table group by a having count(*)>;1order by num desc此外,还有1、查询一个表中所有字段都相同的记录比如现在有一人员表(表名:peosons)若想将姓名、编号、住址这三个字段完全相同的记录查询出来:select p1.*from persons p1,persons p2 where p1.name=p2.name and p1.id=p2.id and p1.address=p2.address group by p1.name,p1.id,p1.address having count(*)>;1;或者:select p1.*from persons p1,persons p2 where p1.name=p2.nameand p1.id=p2.id and p1.address=p2.address and p1.rowid<;>;p2.rowid;或者:(下面这条语句执行效率更高)select*from(select p.*,row_number()over(partition by name,id,address order by name)rn from persons p)where rn>;1;2、查询一个表中某字段相同的记录语法:select p1.*from 表名 p1,(select 字段 from 表名 group by 字段 having count(*)>;1)p2 where p1.字段=p2.字段;select p1.*from persons p1,(select address from persons group by address 。

#select count 去重复数据

